Sécurité AlimentaireAgricultureElevage &PècheSocio-Economie rurale • Santé/HygièneSécurité Alimentaire Benin, Couffo, Toviklin, Agbedoumé village, May 2011 Métohoué Primary School Present in Benin since 1964, the World Food Programme (WFP) is supporting the Government of Benin in achieving the Millennium Development Goals of Ending Poverty and Hunger, Universal Education and Gender Equality through its School Feeding Programme. Primary education is a priority for the Government, which is committed to providing universal primary education by 2015. Under the current operation, WFP is providing a daily hot meal to over 103,000 children in 364 schools in poor rural areas. The objective is to increase the enrollment and attendance rates in targeted districts, particularly for girls. The number of schools assisted will decrease over the course of the intervention, with a gradual handover of canteen management from WFP to the Government school feeding programme. Government capacity building for management of school canteens is a core aspect of the new projects strategy and one of the fundamental objectives of the project. WFP will provide technical assistance to the Government of Benin in order to support the establishment and functioning of a national school feeding programme that will eventually be able to take over completely from WFP In the photo: Bolla Meto is five years old. He is a very playful and joyful child. He has two brothers and one sister. His favorite subject is Mathematics and he loves counting; he also enjoys drawing and playing with his friends. His likes to eat rice, in fact he says I could eat rice everyday. He is happy that his school is part of the School Meals Programme, because he has a full stomach everyday. He is still not sure of what he wants to do when he grows up, but he thinks he would like to be a school director. Photo: WFP/Rein Skullerud Agriculture Elevage &Pèche final Ethiopia 17 december drought 091.JPG Socio-Economie rurale • Santé/Hygiène "Leer, Unity State, South Sudan, May 8, 2014: En man tittar på kvarlevorna från ett av många offer från striderna i Leer. Kroppsdelar och ben är spridda över stora områden. De många hålen i marken är tecken på tung artillerield som slagit ner. Befolkningen i Leer menar att nästan alla offer är civila som blivit klädda i militära kläder efter att de dödats eller innan de avrättats av regeringssoldater så att de ska se ut som militära förluster." Sudan, Um Rakuba Refugee Camp, Gedaref State, 18 November 2020 In the photo: Ethiopians fleeing intense fighting in their homeland of Tigray, gather in the neighbouring Sudanese Um Rakuba Refugee Camp, Gedaref State. Photo: WFP/Leni Kinzli WFP is providing food for Ethiopian refugees who are being resettled in Um Rakuba Refugee Camp in Gedaref State, Sudan after crossing the border from Ethiopia. People who newly arrive are receiving hot meals and high energy biscuits and will receive one month of dry rations including lentils, sorghum, oil and salt once they receive cooking utensils to prepare their own food. Overview of Koro village, Bobo-Dioulasso Department, Houet Province in south-western Burkina Faso. final Ethiopia 17 december drought 091.JPG SONY DSC SONY DSC Les bonnes Pratiques resiliente CILSS